The Mission

To Promote and Encourage the Adventure of Living

Saturday, July 20, 2013

This Is Not a Wordy Blog Post

This is not a long wordy blog post
This is just settling the cushy rubber of the headset over my ears, and adjusting my ball cap.
It is sunscreen on my nose, and sun reflecting off the silvery wing of the plane.
It is the humming rhythm of the engine pulling us off the runway, up to the cloudless blue sky.
It could be lots of words about how we took out the trash and put away dishes and wrote a list for my daughter of all the things to take care of around the house while we are on our airplane vacation.
Instead it is a wide green, yellow winding blue river valley opening in front of the plane, as it climbs to 11,500 feet.
It is dark green hills, rolling up to mountains so jagged they look like hands, fingers, reaching out of the earth.
It is a three quarter moon rising above three white peaks, nestled together.
It could be a telling of going to California to visit friends and see places, and about hotel and restaurants, and it might be that later, but not now.
Instead it is mountain peaks falling away in to a winding lake, that was once a river, and now is clay-red streaking away in the wakes of ski boats.
It is an airport on a plateau, and a friend waving from a taxi way.
It is a blood red sunset over the mountains we just flew over.
It could be a long, wordy blog post.
Instead it is sipping cappuccino, next to the swimming pool.
It is men's voices talking about airplanes, and a yellow biplane, streaking across and endless, open blue sky.
Lake California Sunset

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